About the Author

Author Gary Drasch acquired his radio amateur Novice license in 1960 at age 12 and the General class at 13. After graduating from high school, he attended Milwaukee Area Technical College and received a diploma in Electronics, Radio, and Television. He continued his education at MATC by earning a two-year certificate in Radio Communications and an FCC commercial First Class Radiotelephone Operator License. It was considered the pinnacle of licenses at the time as it was required to operate and maintain TV/radio broadcast transmitters. His career began as the owner-operator of a TV, audio, and radio communications business. In 1985, after eighteen years as an entrepreneur, and spending a short stint in the radio pager business, he joined the John Fluke Manufacturing Company as a Sales Engineer. He retired 24 years later at the age of 62 and immediately returned to ham radio. As well as passing the Extra class license exam, he became reabsorbed by the hobby. DX-ing, working meteor-scatter, chasing the Fred Fish Memorial Award (FFMA),  antenna experimentation, and home-brewing accessories are his passion. Thus far, he has worked 313 countries/entities and 1838 band slots; earned the DX Century Club (DXCC) award in mixed, CW, phone, and digital modes; captured the Worked All Continents (WAC) award, and the Work Antarctica Callsigns Award (WACA). Additional awards include the Worked All States (WAS) Triple Play award and the VHF UHF Century Club (VUCC) award having worked 519 grid squares—FFMA grid total is 387. Memberships include the American Radio Relay League, the Greater Milwaukee DX Association, the Badger Contesters, the Society of Midwest Contesters, and the Straight Key Century Club. He is also a member and Past President of the Ozaukee Radio Club. Gary and his wife Chris have been married for 50 years and live in Port Washington, Wisconsin. They have two adult children, Jennifer and Andrew—and a dog by the name of LuLu.